Monday, March 5, 2012

A Year’s Supply: One Bit at a Time


"The revelation to produce and store food may be essential to our temporal welfare today as boarding the ark was to the people in the days of Noah. Too often we bask in our comfortable complacency and rationalize that the ravages of war, economic disaster, famine, and earthquakes cannot happen here. Those who believe this are either not acquainted with the revelations of the Lord, or they do not believe them. Those who smugly think these calamities will not happen, that they somehow will be set aside because of the righteousness of the Saints, are deceived and will rue the day they harbored such a delusion."  (Ezra Taft Benson)

Preparedness Plan
One Bite at a Time

Keep a journal. Include five things you are grateful for each day. Feel the joy that comes from putting gratitude first.

* Place $20.00 in coins and small bills in a concealed location this will be your “cash stash” and you will be adding to it each month. Remember, this is your emergency bank only, not an ATM. 
* Start collecting items needed for a 72-hr kit. Place items all together in one location. (a box or duffel bag works great) Stock up on these items:
*Matches, candles, and lighters
*Toothpaste and toothbrushes
*Comb, brush, mirror, rubber bands
*Can opener, knife

* Powdered Milk
* Hand/bath soap (anti-bacterial soap is best)

* Cook two meals this month using food storage items.


GET READY: Prepare a storage area for food. Cool, dry, and dark conditions are the best. Include a permanent marker to date items as they are added to the shelf. Locate a separate area for camping/emergency supplies.

POWERED MILK: Nonfat powdered milk, instant or regular, is an excellent storage item. It contains all the nutrients, except fat, found in fresh milk. (Regular milk is difficult to mix up and is more expensive. Therefore, instant nonfat milk is preferred). Powdered milk can be stored in the original sealed packages, or if purchased in bulk, it can be stored in tightly covered metal or plastic containers. It can also be dry-packed canned. You may also use canned milk as part of the storage program, but you must rotate it regularly (turn it upside down every six months).

How much powdered milk will your family need in a year?
75 lbs per child (bone growth)
17 lbs per adult (no bone growth)

VARIETY:  Most people don’t have enough variety in their storage. 95% of people with food storage have only the 3 basic items:  wheat, milk, and honey. We won’t be able to live on that diet. Variety is the necessary key to great food storage. Be sure to store flavorings like Bouillon, tomato, onion, cheese. Don’t forget your favorite spices. Practice cooking with your food storage items. That way you learn what you need.

FAMILY HOME EVENING ACTIVITY: Introduce the food storage plan as part of family home evening. It will be much more enjoyable if the entire family is involved. See what you have and what you need. Let small children help put their items on the shelves. Ask everyone for their input on menu ideas, favorite foods, etc. Make some goals as a family.

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