“Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God.”
-D&C 88:119
The 10 Building Blocks for a Happy Family (from cbn.com)
1. Be there for your kids. Your children regard your presence as a sign of caring and connectedness (even when they don’t seem to do so!) Presence provides kids with a greater sense of security than almost any other quality parents can offer.
2. Express affection, warmth and encouragement. Families with a sense of A.W.E. – as opposed to shame-based parenting – is a home where children and spouses will feel more secure.
3. Build healthy morals and values. The decisions kids make today will often affect them for the rest of their lives. Parents have significant powers of influence – through modeling and teaching – over the morals and values their kids carry into adulthood!
4. Discipline with consistency. Clearly expressed expectations and consistent follow-through produce responsible kids. Make your goal of discipline one of teaching kids responsibility not evoking obedience.
5. Ruthlessly eliminate stress. The unbalanced life will not be kind to the areas we neglect. Parents must make the difficult decisions of reducing the effect of our culture’s breathless pace on their family.
6. Communication is key. Positive communication is the language of love for our children. Parents must take the initiative to set the tone for family communication – which includes the important skill of listening.
7. Play is necessary for a close-knit family. There is nothing like play to bring about family togetherness and communication. Play builds family memories, reduces family stress and produces support and affirmation.
8. Love your spouse. A loving marriage brings hope and security to your children. At times, this means putting your spouse’s needs ahead of your children’s needs.
9. Let your life reflect the understanding that the best things in life are not things. Healthy stewardship and financial decisions produce positive family priorities.
10. Energize your family’s spiritual growth. Your greatest calling in life is to leave a spiritual legacy for your children. Pay close attention to your own spiritual health and model a healthy spirituality for your family.
Ideas for Strengthening Family and Home
- Fulfill the monthly suggestion for Provident living this month as posted on the blog.
- Have a positive attitude every day this week!
- Write a love/appreciation note to each member in your family.
- Have a family picnic.
- Give a sincere compliment to one family member every day this week.
- Hold a special family goal-setting activity. Post the goals where everyone can see them.
- Invite the spirit in your home through music.
- Make or add some décor to your home that will brighten the room.
- Deep clean a room in your home.
- Plant a garden.
- Be the peacemaker this week in your home.
- Forgive someone by completing full restitution.
- Cook one dinner this week completely from your food storage.
- Read to your child every day this week.
- Go on a date night with a child or spouse just for fun.
- Take time to discuss your feelings in a constructive way with your spouse or friend.
- Do one simple chore for a family member each day this week.
- Along with your spouse or family, choose an ancestor you want to learn more about and make your family home evening about that person: learn/tell stories, discuss his/her influence, etc.
- Take a day trip to the zoo, the snow, a public pool, grandma’s house, etc. with your family.
- Spend time each day listening to uplifting music as a family.
- Tell each family member that you love him/her at least once a day.
- Bear your testimony to your family (during FHE or elsewhere)
- Have a gospel conversation as a family (short or long) each day this week.
- Share your conversion story with your family.
- Share (or write down) the story of a defining moment in your life with your family
- Write a note to a family member expressing your love for him/her. Leave it on his/her pillow.
- Have a family game night.
- Share your mission experiences with your family. Show the photos!
- Invite another family over for ice cream and games.
- Hold a family council and discuss something you’d like to improve. Give everyone a turn to talk.