Seek Out and Help Those in Need

Each of us has been a recipient of service at one time or another.  When we are served we feel loved and important because of the sacrifice of those who provided the kind act.  It creates a sense of warmth and an enthusiasm to "pay it forward."  All of us are recipients of the ultimate act of service by our Savior.  Because Jesus Christ lived a life of service, then had his life ended to give the greatest sacrifice, each one of us should feel compelled to "seek out and help those in need."  The key in this statement is "SEEK."  Most people will not ask for help.  We must pursue opportunities to help others and become more in tune with the spirit to be able to recognize these opportunities.

On a more selfish note, service often helps the provider just as much, or more than, the recipient.  It is our connections to others - family, friends, neighbors - that provide the most happiness.  According to (Mental Health America), "Research indicates that those who consistently help other people experience less depression, greater calm, fewer pains and better health. They may even live longer."  In the words of David O. McKay: "Man’s greatest happiness comes from losing himself for the good of others."

Ideas for Seeking Out and Helping Those in Need
  • Do a small anonymous service each day this week.
  • Specifically ask in your morning prayers for someone to serve each day this week.  Keep your mind and heart open all day to be in tune with the spirit and act on the promptings.
  • Perform a two-minute miracle each day.
  • The 5/5 plan: do something kind that takes less than five minutes per day and costs less than $5.00.
  • Take a treat or gift to a neighbor you don't know very well.
  • Perform an act of service for a neighbor.
  • Pray every day for someone you know who is struggling. Visit, call or send them a card.
  • Pray for missionary experiences each day this week. Act on the promptings you receive.
  • Give a more generous fast offering.
  • Help on a Humanitarian Project.
  • Introduce yourself to someone new, learn about him/her, and sit with him/her at church.
  • Meet a neighbor and invite them to do something.
  • Invite a neighbor or friend to scouts, achievement day, YM or YW.
  • Do a drive-by-hug each day this week.
  • Accept all complements graciously, and offer at least three complements each day to someone.
  • Instead of your monthly in home visiting teaching visit, do an act of service for that sister instead.
  • Take a friend out to lunch.
  • Do a batch of names from the extraction center.
  • Go visiting teaching.
  • Sing in the choir and go to choir practice.
  • Sing, play an instrument or speak in church.
  • Take a meal to someone.
  • Give away a Book of Mormon.
  • Have a Gospel conversation with a non-member this week
  • Invite a neighbor’s family to dinner. Let them experience the joy of the Gospel in your home.
  • Feed the missionaries.
  • Invite a neighbor family to Family Home Evening.