Increase Faith and Personal Righteousness

"We can only live by worshipping our God - all must do it for themselves - none can do it for another."
-Joseph Smith, Daughters in My Kingdom

The first principle of the Gospel is faith in Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ is the foundation of the Gospel, without whom everything else is meaningless.  In order to increase faith we must first know that Jesus Christ lives and that He loves us.  When we find ourselves struggling spiritually, think that our testimony isn't strong enough, or feel beaten down and numb it is sometimes necessary to start from scratch, going back to that first principle and working simply on building a stronger relationship with Christ.  Once that relationship is established, re-established, or even sometimes repaired, everything else will come line upon line, one concept at a time.  Increasing faith always begins with a relationship with our Savior, and a drive towards personal righteousness automatically follows.  As we strive to make our relationship with Jesus stronger we have a desire to become more like Him and make better choices in our lives.  Whether it be a lost relationship for just a few hours to weeks or even months or years, we can always rest assured that Christ is waiting with open arms for us to rely on Him. 

Ideas for Increasing Faith and Personal Righteousness:
  • Start each day by reading "The Living Christ" and plan how you can include Christ in your life that day.
  • Bear your testimony to your family, friend, or neighbor in conversation.
  • Read a chapter in Daughters in My Kingdom.
  • Read an article from a church magazine each day.
  • Read/study the Sunday school and/or Relief Society Lesson this week.
  • Read your patriarchal blessing each day this week.
  • Visit the Temple (visitor’s center, baptisms, session, etc.).
  • Write daily in your journal.
  • Choose your favorite scripture story and discuss it with your family.
  • Set aside a quiet time to ponder the atonement each day this week.
  • Ponder your choices each evening before bed time.
  • Start a gratitude journal, feel the spirit or tender mercies journal. Write in it each day.
  • Bear your testimony in church.
  • Attend the Stake Institute class this week.
  • Fast for a specific purpose.
  • Write a personal experience in your journal and the lesson you gained from it.
  • Choose a Gospel principle that you would like to increase in your life. Let it guide your scripture study each day.
  • Choose a specific question in your life and pray about it daily. Write the impressions you receive in your journal.
  • Consciously wait to receive promptings after your prayers each day.
  • Choose a general authority you would like to know more about and study him/her this week.
  • Read a biography about or book written by a general authority.
  • Spend a few minutes each day reflecting on what you are grateful for.